The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 103: Update LXXXIX - Saber acting strange

Update LXXXIX - Saber acting strange

This update covers the events of Update LXII to LXIV.

Music: Duel of Fate

Hi Leo.

Seldom is such a person born who can bring the people of the world such joy, and such wickedness.

If only... But no. I do not like him. I like you better. A king is capable and well-suited to leadership. What would become of things if this boy was king?

He is but a deus ex machina, arising from the stage unbidden and unwelcomed by his people.

That's exactly right.

...And that understanding is also beautiful. I am glad I have fought for such a Master.


Takes a despot to know a despot.

—Well now. That was below the belt. I pride myself on my just ideals. ...However, it seems the path I took was not righteous. I sought to be an emperor, but I stand by my last words—though I feel ashamed of them sometimes.

...What's with that face? Am I not young, and easily swayed by diversions from righteousness?


You have trudged through bloodshed and sorrow to reach this point. Although you still lack much—

It is your love for life, which propels you through triumph and despair, that is most beautiful.

And then, Saber quietly disappears. Right... This is the last time Saber and I will fight side by side. This woman truly is my saber, a blade that cuts down any hardship that I face. Saber would probably just get angry if I said that, telling me not to thank her for every little thing. So, instead of thanking Saber, I'll show her that I'm ready and willing for this fight. She will appreciate that most of all.

And, I will respond. No matter how strong our opponent, I will knock him from his high horse!

Nero's generic lines for the week.

And a chat by the Arena.

For some reason, as I gaze out the window at the digital sky, Saber chooses to appear. A swordsman exquisitely ensconced in a red ballroom dress... A tyrant protective of all life's beauty. A young woman who gloriously rends life from flesh... More arrogant, more radiant than any other. ...Yeah, I see. I can walk down a different path.

I am inclined to humor any request you have at the moment, if it is within reason.

I smile unwittingly at Saber. Always so prideful. I want to protect her smile, even though she is the one who always defends me.

F-Fool, do not make such a strange face! You almost...inadvertently made me do the same! Why, it was near sabotage. Had Leo attacked us this moment, we would have been caught unaware. Only show that expression in the safety of our room, Master. It is wasted in a place like this.


Still flustered and visibly angry, Saber disappears. She's the same irrational, charming despot as ever. I shouldn't be thinking this, but this past week has been enjoyable because I've been with Saber. But still the hour of battle draws ever closer. The final battle. No matter how the Holy Grail War ends, I'll be parted from her.

Music: Fear

First up this week is Julius.

Saber seems really on edge. But they're right; this feeling isn't coming from either Leo or Gawain. In fact, I'm almost sure that I've felt this feeling of hatred before. But, how is it—?

...I think I understand now. I doubt there are two people capable of radiating such lethal malice. I'm not sure what kind of trick this might be, but you should prepare yourself, Praetor.

Hate gate 1.

Hate gate 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Hate Gate III Code: VFD.

Gain a level off a Nephilim.

And hate gate IV: The Quest for Peace.

Master, I cannot ignore anything that poses a threat to you. Just give the command and I will take him down and make sure he stays dead this time.

Hi, Julius.

Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

My Servant mumbled mysteriously under her breath.

...I see what he did. That's not his arm. He stole another Master's arm and attached it to himself.

Julius must've ambushed a great number of Masters and killed them. He somehow managed to preserve one of his victim's arms and appropriate their Command Seal. I wonder which Master's arm he stole. What if that arm belonged to the Master of Berserker?

It seems that Servant also belongs to the Berserker class. A Servant belonging to two classes? Intriguing.


Bye, Julius.

Music: School III

In fact, I am more unnerved that we have not yet encountered our opponent in the Arena. I don't believe that princeling would plot anything nefarious, but one can never be too cautious.

Music: School II

Regardless of his history or his purpose, he was nothing more than a cold-blooded killer. In fact, he himself insisted on being seen as such. That is all I have to say. Just remember that such a person once existed.

...That may be true. Just like Saber says, Julius's life was his own. I can't take responsibility for how he led it.

Talk to Rani.

Get ever so closer to maxing out Strength.

And start that one-off thing with the SE.RA.PH for today.

I'm flabbergasted by Saber's meek pose. Her furrowed brow makes it clear something is bothering her.

Although Saber seems to be back to normal, it's obvious that her bravado is slightly forced. If there is something bothering her, maybe I can help. Looking at her, I ask...

Is something troubling you?

With a small gasp, Saber becomes almost immediately wide-eyed and frazzled at my question.

B-But...I-I mean... I don't understand these feelings. They are beyond my experience!


Could it be that... you're hungry?

I understand that food is life... for you. But remember who and what I am. Do not mock me so!


Saber takes a deep breath in an attempt to regain her composure and then turns to face me.

...Without reason, my thoughts become unfocused and wander. What could cause such an affliction?

Saber's head droops almost as if in defeat. Is what's bothering her really that serious?

Normal heroes— I mean, the situation for Servants called in reality are slightly different. For us of the Moon Cell, there are conditions and obligations attached to our existence. Every Servant created in the SE.RA.PH is required to protect the Moon Cell at any cost. ...Even if it means the death of my Master. But...I cannot bring myself to obey this command...

Saber delivers this last line in a mumble. I find her child-like embarrassment incredibly cute.

I wisely decide to hold my tongue. As is often said, silence is often the curse of wisdom. Saber raises her head, a renewed passion for our struggle burning in her eyes.

I am angry at myself. I fear my flaws will adversely affect your success in the coming battles. No, I will not allow my weakness affect you, Master. Please forget that I said anything.

With that final line, delivered in a somewhat unsteady tone, Saber cuts off the conversation. Although she's made clear that I'm to "forget it," it's not going to be that easy to... The uneasiness in herself that Saber can't identify... I want to help, but I'm not sure how.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

Now to defy the SE.RA.PH with no long lasting consequences.

Music: None

Music: School III

Saber suddenly cuts off what she was about to say and retreats into silence again. Her eyebrows slowly begin to furrow for some reason. It's almost as [sic] Saber's normally tempestuous mood has somehow gotten even worse.

There is no need for you to make my burdens your own! Rather, your inclusion will only make things worse! So, please speak no more about it! If you care at all about me, forget all that I have said before!

Although the heat in Saber's voice was immediately apparent, there was nothing threatening in her words. The only way I can possibly respond to that as a Master is to say—

Do you believe me so unreliable?

The thought of what would befall you should I die before the Elimination Battle makes my hands shake!


Share your soul with me, Saber!

Wha—?! H-How dare you be so forward! Even one such as I would have shown a bit more restraint...! Are you a puppy?! Or are you a wolf in sheep's clothing?! Gah! I care about you a great deal, either way!

~~ What exactly does she mean by that...exactly...? Taking her words for what they are, it seems as if Saber, in her own fashion, actually likes me somewhat. I'm happy, reassured even, to know how she feels about me. I hardly see how that can be a problem, but—

But that would violate the terms under which I serve. The Moon Cell would not accept such a Servant. ...More accurately, it would make an effort to eliminate the Master of such a Servant. Knowing the consequences, I have no idea as to how I should conduct myself in this situation.

'An' effort. Just the one.

I just couldn't come out and tell you that I have failed as your Servant.

Saber looks down in shame. Servants are required to balance their Master's needs with those of the Moon Cell. Saber is apologizing for upsetting that balance. That is-

That means I've failed as a Master.

Just like with Tamamo, both choices here give the same result.

That's right. I'm a failure because I couldn't give a damn about the Moon Cell. If I were forced to choose between the Holy Grail and Saber, I would pick Saber without hesitation. As my constant companion throughout the war, she means more to me than anything or anyone. ...I'm not even really alive. I'm just a bit of random data, but Saber accepted me without question. There is only one thing of value I've received through this series of "life" and death battles— And that is the bond I share with Saber. Before her, I had nothing. For that bond I have genuine gratitude.

The connection that we share cannot be described with any other word but "bond."

Saber smiles in contentment and nods her head sagely. Her normal gloriously imperial expression returns as well. There is no trace of the despondency she felt earlier on her face. But before we could enjoy the moment...

Music: Stops

—What in the hell is that? An ominous figure approaches us. It feels as if its only purpose is to eliminate us both.

I was curious as to how they'd choose to eliminate us, but sending a part of itself? That was unexpected... However— May I be brutally honest with you, Master?

Music: Duel - Friend Turned Foe

I will send anyone brazen enough to attempt to thwart my love into the fiery crucible of the sun itself!


Next time: We finish off Nero's Matrix.